this is Art

this is Art

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I Know You

One fine morning she woke up and she couldn't believe her eyes...A whole new person ,somebody else....she was definatly growing up....There was something so familiar but new and weird at the same time.That was the day she desided to have a flying start with herself.As quick as possible she managed to make a list of  things  and products she wanted(to do or buy).She was absolutely thrilled and excited ,more than a person can ever  be in a moody,rainy day of January.That was her secret,she was about to keep it that way because it gave her so much pleasure....
But here comes real questions, how you supposed to react in several changes at a small period of time?Whats your options?Should ya have an emotional explosion? How your familiar people can participate in the change or how they affect you? ....
I can tell, it's a whole new chapter and you have to pay attention girl....
Her First Steps....
1. you need to understand , in this you are all alone , you and your self .No matter how hard or how emotional that can be , there is none who can help you out .If YOU (wrongly) believe there is at least one, you are definatly gonna fail in this self challenge.
2. Make a plan , a list , organize your staff ,your job or studying ,set priorities ,goals and do not stop making dreams....
3.Look after your body...let it ''speak'' to you.....if you are not about to excersice or go to gym and staff like that i have the perfect plan for you.
Starting  from your diet.Green , red , yellow , white ,COLOUR UP your food.What im trying to say is to vegetate your food options.Eat at least 3 times a day  , a small amount of vegetables ,fruits,milkshakefruit sugar free , soup made of vegetables etc.
Another important think is to walk.GO out for a wallk, enjoy a beautiful day and make it be special.find something in the city or village you live and love it .....For exaple , if you live in a town near the sea ,like i do , take the chance for a walk in the port ,listen to  music and let your self free.I would recommend you to walk alone ,just because i believe that sometimes we need time for our own ,to think and deside about our personal issues.
3.Look after your face!I strongly believe that every woman must choose products for her body and especially for the face area that suits her skin type and are biologically tested .My personal picks are products that  smell perfect and relax me .Use body lotions , body oils , hand creams , masks for the face and if it's possible do pilling twice a week for sparkling skin!I can tell, these are some great products that will make you feel nice and ''clean''.It is said that if someone feel clean ,he tendes to be ,what are you waiting for?!
4.Drink WATER...OK YES,EVERYBODY talks about that .....But it's a general truth that we need water ,it keeps as alive,young and fresh.....Drink tea as well.Try new flavors so you can find your favorite one , that is a way of expore your self too....
5.Hang out with different people that you used to ....Try to figure them out , you will find it interesting!
6.Participate in conversations , don't be afraid to express the real you , your thoughts and beliefs  . If you don't feel ready to talk , i strongly believe that it's your turn to read BOOKS. Who talked about mathematics or chemie or philoshophy ? no no . Skip to the nearest bookshop and fiind books you would read with matter the type ,this is up to you. 
7.Save money.This is actually a great way to control your self , have more specific needs . Thanks to that process , you will be able to travel , if you feel like travelling of course . It's a great way of meeting new cultures , places and people .Admit that , you do not want to leave this planet with little's a shame !
8. Give your self relaxing , sleepy moments .Sleep is a great and big chapter, you definatly need 7hours sleep per day just to feel able to do staff .
9. LOVE OH LOVE , open up your heart girl, show love love love to family , friends , lovers.People change, memories don't ,so try to have some good ones.
10. It's so important to understand that the past it is not going to change ,you must move on ,you have to pick up your pieces and look forward ,there is a whole planet to discover ....and you're starting from today
Hope i gave you a motivation to stand up and smile and making steps forward for your own good ! 