this is Art

this is Art

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Confessions of a Backpacker : Lemnos, Greece

September 2016
Peacefull days in the north of the Aegean Sea .
Petrified Forest,small sandy beaches , lakes, waterfalls & frutiful plains.
It is called the island of Hephaestus , the god of fire.Indeed ,I spotted golden fields and a huge sun.
Maybe it's all about these September days.
A destination of superior quality sweet white wine , white cheese "kalathaki" & yellowish honey "melichloro".
Even thought some times you travel for work ,don't forget to capture the place .
You are a backpacker after all.

my outfit : Massimo Dutti shirt , Zero blue cardigan , Diesel blue jeans , ESIOT sandals, Wolfnoir sunglasses , POLO "myvintage" backpack